Sunday 22 August 2010

An Open Invitation

I have always believed that for democracy to be democratic its institutions have to be democratic. Within a democracy such as ours, the parties are the institutions which must exemplify this the most.
The recent events within Surrey Conservative Future have shown that parts are perhaps not as democratic as they should be; however, it is an organisation which has suffered more than many others from knee jerk reactions and sense of proprietorship, even ownership, by some of its more senior members.
The Epsom and Ewell Branch of Conservative Future is not like this; if it were I would not be a member, and certainly not its chairman. I have consulted with my committee and I have consulted with my members, we will not take part in the rushed attempt to save face which is being pursued by some individuals. We will not cast a vote for candidates who have yet to even declare, we will certainly not cast a vote without being able to read all the candidates manifestoes, most importantly we will not cast a vote before we have given a chance to those candidates who wish to stand to speak with us, and convince us of their worthiness of receiving our vote.
I therefore have the honour to announce that rather than vote we shall extend an open invitation to our regular monthly event, to all candidates wishing to stand for national positions in the CF to attend and talk to our membership. I would further request that as many members from the wider Surrey area, from greater London, in fact from anywhere attend and listen, but most importantly put their questions to those candidates who come.
My name is Alexander Clarke, and I am the Chairman, not the dictator, of Epsom and Ewell Conservative Future and on behalf of the branch committee and the members of EECF hereby extend an invitation to all Party Members and Friends interested to attend the Epsom Conservative Club, on Friday the 27th of August. Please arrive for 20:00hrs to enable people to get drinks, food and a seat, speakers will begin from 20:30hrs. The committee and I look forward to seeing you.
For any additional informaion, please contact us at